Edutes Education Technologies

Prepares for the future

Edutes offers learning environments and tools where students are active participants, learn by experience, and develop scientific thinking and research skills. These are environments where the most up-to-date technologies are used, supporting the student’s success and involving the parent in the process when desired.

With Edutes solutions, students are offered individualized learning tools, learning materials are enriched, and the aim is to provide students with skills along with conceptual knowledge.

Edutes offers learning environments and tools where students are active participants, learn by experience, and develop scientific thinking and research skills. These are environments where the most up-to-date technologies are used, supporting the student’s success and involving the parent in the process when desired.

With Edutes solutions, students are offered individualized learning tools, learning materials are enriched, and the aim is to provide students with skills along with conceptual knowledge.

The solutions offered can be used in school environments under teacher control and data-based.

It supports the curriculum, provides a global perspective and allows monitoring the process.

Teachers and school administrators can evaluate the outputs and improve their processes while monitoring the process.

Our Manifesto

Every child is special and every child can learn. The subject of all learning processes is the child. Technology is a tool to remove barriers to learning. Technology as a tool is valuable to the extent that it can support the child’s state of being a subject.


  • Focusing on enriching learning processes,
  • Makes it easier to understand difficult concepts,
  • Offering individualized learning tools in which learners are active while preserving the instrumental feature of technology,
  • It is an education technology institution that has determined its top priority to be supporting student well-being.

In light of these principles, Edutes offers learning-oriented solutions for schools and students based on new generation technologies.

Within the framework of Edutes XR (Extended Reality) technology; It incorporates AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) and MR (Mixed Reality) technologies into education by using them in the solutions it offers.